Software Development

I fell in love with software development the summer before my freshman year of college, with Python and Flask. In the years since, I've learned a lot. My projects vary, but the thrill of problem-solving stays constant. Here's a rundown of some of my recent work.

Amplify Education

As a Software Engineer Intern at Amplify, I contributed to the Desmos Classroom project by improving the curriculum builder tool. I optimized the user experience by implementing features such as add-by-search, which reduced the time required for repetitive tasks by more than 75%. Working closely with designers, product managers, and engineers, I ensured that product requirements were met, streamlining the process for educators.

Technologies used: React, TypeScript, Node, ElasticSearch, Git, DataDog

Student Life Newspaper, Washington University in St. Louis

As Senior Web Editor, I led the website redesign with a focus on boosting click-through rates and ad revenue. I refactored legacy code for better performance and implemented custom WordPress solutions. Along with developing new web applications, I managed site maintenance and updates. I also introduced a directory and Jira tracking system, improving team communication and project management.

Technologies used: WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Git

Creative Conners, Inc.

In my role as a Software Engineer Intern at CCI, my primary responsibility was the development of Dark Mode for the company's scenic automation application, Spikemark. This entailed refactoring the existing design system, creating a custom theming system, and implementing it across the application. My code underwent reviews by my manager, leading to adjustments that enhanced the final product. I also wrote tests to ensure the reliability and quality of the new features.

Technologies used: VB.NET, C#, WPF, Git

Rapid Prototype Development and Creative Programming

I've been the Head TA for this course for the past three semesters, leading a team of ~15 TAs and overseeing the grading of ~200 students. My role involves assisting students with debugging and comprehending their projects, requiring an in-depth grasp of the course material.

I've written tools in Python to speed up grading, including a Canvas feedback uploader and an autograder for a project on Python and Regex. I have also contributed to the refactoring of the course's textbook and produced TA training materials.

The course covers: HTML/CSS, Git, AWS Linux instances, LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js), Python scripting and Regex, Javascript, and Socket.IO

Artwork and Operations Management Platform

For eight months, I led the development of a full-stack app for a notable pop artist, enabling inventory oversight, sales monitoring, and gallery-client interactions. Key features include a specialized TIFF image upload system via Cloudflare and R2, as well as advanced search with Boolean, exact matching, and fuzzy algorithms. To balance growing academic demands, I onboarded a qualified developer for continued success, ensuring a smooth handoff without sacrificing project quality.

Technologies used: React, Next.js, MySQL (DigitalOcean), Cloudflare (Workers, R2, Images), Git, Figma

Center Stage Software

As a Web Developer Intern at CCI, a theater ticketing software company, I was responsible for the development of the company's new customer-facing ticketing web app. I also contributed to the migration of a legacy Windows admin app to a web-based product.

Technologies used: Symfony, PHP, MySQL, Git, LAMP Stack